suing for pain and suffering blog header

Suing for Pain and Suffering in Georgia

After you have been injured in a Georgia car accident, you may be able to receive compensation for your medical bills, property damage, out-of-pocket expenses, and other real costs you incurred. In some cases, you can also receive compensation for your pain and suffering. Pain and suffering are considered “noneconomic damages” or “general damages.” This…

Understanding Annulments in Georgia

A divorce and an annulment are similar legal proceedings to end a marriage, however the final results are very different from one another. A divorce is the dissolution of a valid marriage and an annulment is a legal decree that declares a marriage was never valid to begin with. Unlike divorce, which simply terminates an…

Back to School Planning for Divorced Parents

Back-to-school season is upon us. The new year often brings a new school, new teachers and new activities for kids and divorced parents to juggle.  For divorced parents, the beginning of the school year is a great time to hit a reset button and discuss the impending changes to schedules and activities.  Just like the…

The Impact of Divorce on Your Work

“Check your problems at the door.” It’s a mantra some workplace environments live by. However, it’s easier said than done. It’s easy for problems in our personal lives to bleed into our professional lives. The trauma of going through a divorce isn’t something you can just turn off like a light switch. From the court…