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Practice Description

Sometimes, someone accused of stalking in Atlanta may believe their behavior is harmless, but it can deprive someone else of their freedom. This can be the case even if the assumed victim is someone that the accused loves and cares for. Even if you don’t believe you were convicting any type of stalking offenses, you could still find yourself in legal trouble and should seek legal counsel.

These days, stalking is no longer limited to traditional forms of contact, such as face-to-face interaction and unwanted telephone calls. “Cyberstalking” involves sending recurring, unsolicited emails, text messages and social media contacts that are harassing, aggressive or offensive in nature.

Stalking is a serious crime in Atlanta, and you will want to have an experienced criminal defense attorney representing you in order to avoid harsh penalties and other consequences.

Definition of Stalking in Atlanta

According to Georgia Code § 16-5-90, stalking in Atlanta occurs when someone knowingly intimidates or harrasses another person without their consent by continuously following, contacting or surveilling them. Contact can occur in various ways including the use of telephones, mail, computers or other electronic devices. “Intimidating and harassing” is defined as any action that makes another person feel emotional stress and/or fear for the safety of themselves and/or their family.

If you are convicted of a first stalking offense in Atlanta, you will be guilty of a misdemeanor. You could be fined up to $1,000 and receive up to one year in prison. The penalties for a second stalking offense, and all other subsequent offenses, are much more serious. You will be guilty of committing a felony and will be sentenced to at least one year in prison. You could face up to 10 years in prison.

Definition of Aggravated Stalking in Atlanta

According to Georgia Code § 16-5-91, aggravated stalking in Atlanta occurs when someone commits any stalking actions that violate their restraining order, probation, permanent protective order or any other condition prohibiting these actions towards an individual.

If someone is convicted of aggravated stalking in Atlanta, they will be guilty of committing a felony offense. They could be fined up to $10,000 and will face at least one year in prison. They could be sentenced to spend up to 10 years in prison.

Contact Our Team of Experienced Atlanta Stalking Attorneys Today

If you or someone you know has been accused of stalking or cyberstalking in Atlanta, you should seek representation from a knowledgeable stalking attorney who understands how the system works. Criminal defense attorneys Pat McDonough and Trinity Hundredmark have seen success in stalking cases, and will work tirelessly to make sure your rights are protected during your legal proceedings.

With their highly respected skill and experience, the team at Andersen, Tate & Carr is dedicated to protecting your liberty, your reputation and your rights. Contact our office today for a free no-obligation consultation to learn how we can help you.

Professional Team

Ethel D. Andersen
Ethel D. Andersen
Retired Partner
Erin T. Burnett
Erin T. Burnett
Of Counsel
R. Bradley Carr
Elizabeth Clack-Freeman
Senior Counsel
T. Scott Duncan
Justin Edge
S. Lanier Flanders
Kathleen B. Guy
Michael J. Hay
Hayley Rymer
Donald L. Swift III
Managing Partner
Thomas T. Tate
Rory Weeks
Senior Counsel

For questions or more information, Contact an Experienced Georgia Attorney.

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