Tips To Make Your Divorce Easier On The Entire Family

Tips To Make Your Divorce Easier On The Entire Family Ending a marriage can be one of the most difficult experiences of your life, whether the separation is amicable or not. There are financial hurdles, legal processes to navigate, and the emotional strain on the entire family. Typically, couples don’t decide to divorce overnight, meaning…

Establishing Your Paternal Rights In Georgia

Establishing Your Paternal Rights In Georgia The process of establishing paternity rights in Georgia can be extremely difficult to navigate. Maternal rights are inherent at birth, but establishing a father’s rights can be far more complicated, especially in cases involving unmarried couples or divorce. When a father signs a birth certificate, he is not establishing…

How Social Media Can Affect Your Divorce

How Social Media Can Affect Your Divorce Social media is still relatively new, and its effect on divorces even more so. As with all emerging technology, the way social media will be used in court can (and will) significantly impact how cases are handled, and it’s important to understand how social media can hurt you…

The Pitfalls Of Do-It-Yourself Divorce

The Pitfalls Of Do-It-Yourself Divorce Divorce can seem like an oppressively complicated event, and it’s not surprising people want to find any shortcuts they can to make the process “easier.” One of the most common ways people try to simplify their divorce is through online services. They promise low cost, ease, and a way to…

How To Prepare For A Potential Divorce

How To Prepare For A Potential Divorce Many people going through a divorce can feel blindsided by it. The suddenness of it can be disorientating, and can make the process all the more difficult. However, getting a divorce is not an overnight event. Even if you didn’t see it coming, once you know that you…